Friday, May 8, 2009

NASA Warns of Super Solar Storm 2012

Nasa is warning the world about a major event that is going to take place during the much noted and spoken of 2012 calendar year. A year that was an important date of Earth's history. 2012 is also a prophecy predicted of a enormous global event seen by the ancient-Mayans civilization as well as others. Is this super solar storm what the Mayans invisioned?

What NASA is saying is a super solar storm can possibly effect life on Earth in such away it may even wipe it out life as we know it. A throwback atleast of a hundred years or worse.

Making daily life completely unfamiliar to us. The entire globe's electric power grid could be knocked out causing us to tumble back to existence of living off the land without electricity or satelite capabilities.

Advanced civilizations that rely on technology could become obsolete things of the past. Michio Kaku a well known astro-physicist speaks in depth about the devistation this event may cause.


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