Friday, May 1, 2009

Exclusive! Manohara Odelia Pinot conversation with His mother

Jakarta: Case of alleged kidnapping Indonesian model Manohara Pinot by the son of Raja Kelantan, Malaysia continues scrolling. During a visit to Indonesia some time ago, the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak says Manohara Mom's, Daisy Fajarina, entry to the country. However, in a special interview with SCTV, Saturday (25 / 4), Fajarina still confess. He showed evidence of a letter-ban. He declined to enter Malaysia without a clear reason.

Manohara Pinot alleged to be stolen her own, Tengku Muhammad Fakhri, son of Raja Kelantan Malaysia. Both marriages took place in August 2008 in Malaysia. Lapse of some time after the marriage, the family Manohara never again be associated with the daughter. Fajarina said, Manohara often told the brother that he was not treated well by her husband.

Management plan wedding in India is also not so held. Thus, the family was anxious and trying different ways to be able to return back Manohara.

Fajarina Able law, Afrian Bondjol says his side have the post-complaint. Among others, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Malaysia, to the National Commission on Human Rights and Woman. He expects the response from the government. In addition, the legal action will come more, especially in the case of alleged persecution, violence and tyranny made Fakhri. See The Video ....

Beautiful Model Manohara Odelia Pinot suspected rapt Prince Sultanate of Kelantan, Malaysia, Prince Tengku Muhammad Fakhry ago in March, had a conversation with his mother to Daisy Fajriana over the phone. During the discussion Manohara crying to his mother.

Mother of Manohara Pinot, artist and model who is allegedly the son of the king rapt Kelantan Malaysia complain to the National Commission on Human Rights. Daisy Fajarina ask Komnas HAM bridge the communication with Malaysia in order to return immediately to the heart fruit.

Daisy suddenly fell unconscious after the daughter's alleged abduction. Manohara rapt suspected her husband, Tengku Muhammad Fakhri, the son of the King of Malaysia Kelantan. There is a family issue, Manohara create the model used to work as suspected by their parents rapt.

This issue must be carriaged carefully because the problems in the family. Komnas HAM says the data-collecting data and will communicate with the Malaysian side to see if there is violation of human rights or domestic violence. (FRI / Don Vito Samartha)

1 comment:

  1. inilah mereka yg punya kuasa. melakukan sesuka hati mereka tanpa prihatin terhadap perasaan sesama insan. mereka tu seperti kita juga manusia biasa. mati juga bila sampai waktunya.


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